Are you familiar with Flux?

Technology CommunityCategory: ReactAre you familiar with Flux?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Flux is an architectural pattern that enforces unidirectional data flow — its core purpose is to control derived data so that multiple components can interact with that data without risking pollution.

The Flux pattern is generic; it’s not specific to React applications, nor is it required to build a React app. However, Flux is commonly used by React developers because React components are declarative — the rendered UI (View) is simply a function of state (Store data).

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In the Flux pattern, the Store is the central authority for all data; any mutations to the data must occur within the store. Changes to the Store data are subsequently broadcast to subscribing Views via events. Views then update themselves based on the new state of received data.

To request changes to any Store data, Actions may be fired. These Actions are controlled by a central Dispatcher; Actions may not occur simultaneously, ensuring that a Store only mutates data once per Action.

The strict unidirectional flow of this Flux pattern enforces data stability, reducing data-related runtime errors throughout an application.