Can we really declare Parametrized ViewModel instance as BindingContext in XAML?

Technology CommunityCategory: XamarinCan we really declare Parametrized ViewModel instance as BindingContext in XAML?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Yes, but we can pass static values only. We can use x:Arguments attribute. Example:

            <x:Int32 >1234</x:Int32> //This is passed as a static value as an argument 
                                     //to the parametrized construction of ViewModel in XAML.

public class HomeViewModel : BaseViewModel
    //Parametrized initialization of viewmodel
    public HomeViewModel(int employeeId)
         //Here you will get 1234 value in the employeeId parameter.

This requires that the ViewModel constructor parameters matches with the Type and number of arguments provided in XAML.