Check if parentheses are balanced using Stack

Technology CommunityCategory: StacksCheck if parentheses are balanced using Stack
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

One of the most important applications of stacks is to check if the parentheses are balanced in a given expression. The compiler generates an error if the parentheses are not matched.

Here are some of the balanced and unbalanced expressions:



  1. Declare a character stack which will hold an array of all the opening parenthesis.
  2. Now traverse the expression string exp.
  3. If the current character is a starting bracket (( or { or [) then push it to stack.
  4. If the current character is a closing bracket () or } or ]) then pop from stack and if the popped character is the matching starting bracket then fine else parenthesis are not balanced.
  5. After complete traversal, if there is some starting bracket left in stack then “not balanced”
Complexity Analysis
  • We are traversing through each character of string, Time complexity O(n).
  • We are storing the opposite parentheses characters in the stack, in the worst case there can be all the opposite characters in the string, Space complexity O(n).
let isMatchingBrackets = function (str) {    let stack = [];    let map = {        '(': ')',        '[': ']',        '{': '}'    }    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {        // If character is an opening brace add it to a stack        if (str[i] === '(' || str[i] === '{' || str[i] === '[' ) {            stack.push(str[i]);        }        //  If that character is a closing brace, pop from the stack, which will also reduce the length of the stack each time a closing bracket is encountered.        else {            let last = stack.pop();            //If the popped element from the stack, which is the last opening brace doesn’t match the corresponding closing brace in the map, then return false            if (str[i] !== map[last]) {return false};        }    }    // By the completion of the for loop after checking all the brackets of the str, at the end, if the stack is not empty then fail        if (stack.length !== 0) {return false};    return true;}