Compare UDP Load Balancer vs TCP Load Balancer

Technology CommunityCategory: Load BalancingCompare UDP Load Balancer vs TCP Load Balancer
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. Load balancing methods are different for these protocols, and they represent the most common protocols used for sending data using Internet Protocol (IP).

The biggest difference between TCP and UDP load balancing is how the data is tracked:

  • TCP guarantees the transmission and receipt of data by ordering and numbering the data packets. Then the recipient confirms delivery. A TCP load balancer also checks the data packets for errors. A TCP load balancer is considered the most reliable because data is tracked in transit to ensure no information is lost or corrupted.
  • A UDP datagram only sends data. There is no confirmation of receipt. Nothing is tracked or checked for errors. All data, whether corrupted or not, simply arrives. If data is lost on UDP servers, there is no way to find it. Verifying all the data takes time and the lack of verification with a UDP load balancer allows for the fastest delivery of data possible. This speed is desirable for online games and live broadcasts.