Could you explain the Gitflow workflow?

Technology CommunityCategory: GitCould you explain the Gitflow workflow?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Gitflow workflow employs two parallel long-running branches to record the history of the project, master and develop:

  • Master – is always ready to be released on LIVE, with everything fully tested and approved (production-ready).
  • Hotfix – Maintenance or “hotfix” branches are used to quickly patch production releases. Hotfix branches are a lot like release branches and feature branches except they’re based on master instead of develop.
  • Develop – is the branch to which all feature branches are merged and where all tests are performed. Only when everything’s been thoroughly checked and fixed it can be merged to the master.
  • Feature – Each new feature should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the develop branch as their parent one.