Differentiate between named parameters and positional parameters in Dart?

Technology CommunityCategory: FlutterDifferentiate between named parameters and positional parameters in Dart?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Both named and positional parameters are part of optional parameter:

Optional Positional Parameters:

  • A parameter wrapped by [ ] is a positional optional parameter.
    	getHttpUrl(String server, String path, [int port=80]) {
    	  // ...
  • You can specify multiple positional parameters for a function:
    	getHttpUrl(String server, String path, [int port=80, int numRetries=3]) {
    	  // ...
    	In the above code, `port` and `numRetries` are optional and have default values of 80 and 3 respectively. You can call `getHttpUrl` with or without the third parameter.  The optional parameters are  _positional_  in that you can't omit  `port`  if you want to specify  `numRetries`.

Optional Named Parameters:

  • A parameter wrapped by { } is a named optional parameter.
    	getHttpUrl(String server, String path, {int port = 80}) {
    	  // ...
  • You can specify multiple named parameters for a function:
    	getHttpUrl(String server, String path, {int port = 80, int numRetries = 3}) {
    	  // ...
    	You can call `getHttpUrl` with or without the third parameter. You **must** use the parameter name when calling the function.
  • Because named parameters are referenced by name, they can be used in an order different from their declaration.
    	getHttpUrl('example.com', '/index.html', numRetries: 5, port: 8080);
    	getHttpUrl('example.com', '/index.html', numRetries: 5);