Explain a B-Tree data structure for 5 years old

Technology CommunityCategory: TreesExplain a B-Tree data structure for 5 years old
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Consider an apartment complex/condo community that you are visiting, with 1000 apartments/Condos spread among several buildings and a gate in the middle. As you drive in the first board you meet says

1-500   501-1000
 <-        ->

The Apartment number you want to visit is 807, so take right.

Next you see buildings each with numbers such as

501-550, 551-600 etc. Again you pick the building which says 801-850. Next you pick the floor which says 801-810 and finally apartment 807 itself.

Now imagine not having the boards with numbers on them. you would have to visit every single apartment in the community to decide if apartment 807 is present there. Also, if the apartment community was not allowed to be split that way, It would be one huge building with 1000 individual apartments in it.

A B Tree and a B+Tree are data structures used within a computer to achieve results similar to what is described in the example above