Find similar elements from two Linked Lists and return the result as a Linked List

Technology CommunityCategory: Hash TablesFind similar elements from two Linked Lists and return the result as a Linked List
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago


list1: 1->2->3->4->4->5->6
list2: 1->3->6->4->2->8


list3: 1->2->3->4->6
  1. Create a hash table or set
  2. Go through list1, mark entries as you visit them. O(N)
  3. Go through list2, mark entries (with different flag) as you visit them. O(M)
  4. Traverse hash table and find all the entries with both flags. Create list3 as you find entries. O(H)

Total Complexity: O(N)+ O(M) + O(Max(N,H,M)) => O(N)

Complexity Analysis