Find Word Positions in Text

Technology CommunityCategory: JavaScriptFind Word Positions in Text
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Given a text file and a word, find the positions that the word occurs in the file. We’ll be asked to find the positions of many words in the same file.

Since we’ll have to answer multiple queries, precomputation would be useful. We’ll build a data structure that stores the positions of all the words in the text file. This is known as inverted index.

module.exports = function (text) {
  var trie   = {},
      pos    = 0,
      active = trie; // Start the active structure as the root trie structure

  // Suffix a space after the text to make life easier
  text += ' ';

  // Loop through the input text adding it to the trie structure
  for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    // When the character is a space, restart
    if (text[i] === ' ') {
      // If the current active doesn't equal the root, set the position
      if (active !== trie) {
        (active.positions = active.positions || []).push(pos);
      // Reset the positions and the active part of the data structure
      pos    = i;
      active = trie;

    // Set the next character in the structure up
    active[text[i]] = (active[text[i]] || {});
    active = active[text[i]];

  // Return a function that accepts a word and looks it up in the trie structure
  return function (word) {
    var i      = -1,
        active = trie;

    while (word[++i]) {
      if (!active[word[i]]) { return []; }
      active = active[word[i]];

    return active.positions;