How to use Docker with multiple environments?

Technology CommunityCategory: DockerHow to use Docker with multiple environments?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

You’ll almost certainly want to make changes to your app configuration that are more appropriate to a live environment. These changes may include:

  • Removing any volume bindings for application code, so that code stays inside the container and can’t be changed from outside
  • Binding to different ports on the host
  • Setting environment variables differently (e.g., to decrease the verbosity of logging, or to enable email sending)
  • Specifying a restart policy (e.g., restart: always) to avoid downtime
  • Adding extra services (e.g., a log aggregator)

For this reason, you’ll probably want to define an additional Compose file, say production.yml, which specifies production-appropriate configuration. This configuration file only needs to include the changes you’d like to make from the original Compose file.

docker-compose -f docker-com