How would you use a closure to create a private counter?

Technology CommunityCategory: JavaScriptHow would you use a closure to create a private counter?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

You can create a function within an outer function (a closure) that allows you to update a private variable but the variable wouldn’t be accessible from outside the function without the use of a helper function.

function counter() {
  var _counter = 0;
  // return an object with several functions that allow you
  // to modify the private _counter variable
  return {
    add: function(increment) { _counter += increment; },
    retrieve: function() { return 'The counter is currently at: ' + _counter; }

// error if we try to access the private variable like below
// _counter;

// usage of our counter function
var c = counter();

// now we can access the private variable in the following way
c.retrieve(); // => The counter is currently at: 14