Illustrate the difference in peak memory consumption between DFS and BFS

Technology CommunityCategory: Graph TheoryIllustrate the difference in peak memory consumption between DFS and BFS
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The most prominent and extreme example that illustrates the difference in peak memory consumption between DFS and BFS (as well as pseudo-DFS) is a star-graph: a single central vertex surrounded by a large number (say, 1000) of peripheral vertices, with each peripheral vertex connected to the central vertex by an edge.



If you run BFS on this graph using the central vertex as origin, the queue size will immediately jump to 1000. The same thing will obviously happen if you use pseudo-DFS (i.e. if you simply replace the queue with a stack). But classic DFS algorithm will need stack depth of only 1 (!) to traverse this entire graph. See the difference? 1000 versus 1. This is what is meant by better space efficiency of DFS.