List out the data types that Sass supports

Technology CommunityCategory: CSSList out the data types that Sass supports
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Sass supports seven main data types:

  • Numbers – most of the time they are accompanied by a unit of some sort but they are still technically numbers. You can perform basic mathematical operations on these values.
$size: 18;                  // A number
$px-unit: $size * 1px;      // A pixel measurement
$px-string: $size + px;     // A string
$px-number: $px-unit / 1px; // A number
  • Strings – just like CSS, accepts both quoted and unquoted strings, even if they contain spaces
$website: 'SitePoint'; // Stores SitePoint
$name: 'Gajendar' + ' Singh';  // 'Gajendar Singh'
$date:  'Month/Year : ' + 3/2016; // 'Month/Year : 3/2016'
$date:  'Month/Year : ' + (3/2016); // 'Month/Year : 0.00149' 
// This is because 3/2016 is evaluated first.
$variable: 3/2016;      // Evaluated to 0.00149
  • Colors – CSS color expressions come under the color data type. You can refer to the colors in hexadecimal notation, as rgbrgbahsl and hsla values or use native keywords like pinkblue, etc.
$color: yellowgreen;           // #9ACD32
color: lighten($color, 15%);    // #b8dc70
color: darken($color, 15%);     // #6c9023
color: saturate($color, 15%);   // #a1e01f
color: desaturate($color, 15%); // #93ba45
color: (green + red);           // #ff8000
  • Booleans – has only two possible values: true and false
$i-am-true: true;

body {
  @if not $i-am-true {
    background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
  } @else {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.6); // expected
  • Null – is commonly used to define an empty state, neither true or false. This is typically the value you want to set when defining a variable without a value, only to prevent the parser from crashing.
.foo {
  content: type-of(null); // null
  content: type-of(NULL); // string
  $bar: 'foo' + null; // invalid null operation: "foo plus null”.
  • Lists – are just the Sass version of arrays. You can store multiple types of values in a list.
$font-list: 'Raleway','Dosis','Lato'; // Three comma separated elements
$pad-list: 10px 8px 12px; // Three space separated elements
$multi-list: 'Roboto',15px 1.3em; // This multi-list has two lists.
  • Maps – Sass maps are like associative arrays. A map stores both keys and values associated with those keys.
$styling: (
  'font-family': 'Lato',
  'font-size': 1.5em,
  'color': tomato,
  'background': black

h1 {
  color: map-get($styling, 'color');
  background: map-get($styling, 'background');