Name some cons of using Flutter?

Technology CommunityCategory: FlutterName some cons of using Flutter?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

There are some cons:

  • Dart and Flutter are not presently very marketable skills. (It may be possible to contract oneself out for implementing whole apps, but harder to get a job working for someone else.)
  • Minimum 4.7MB app
  • Have to have a Mac to build for iOS
  • Probably not ready for iOS, but may be soon. iOS UI support is proving challenging, lots of issues reported, apparently slow to get fixed. The most significant appear to be text editing functions (many of which have been resolved) and text rendering (whose status I can’t find).
  • Lots of issues with access to camera, slow to get fixed (maybe 3rd party plugins can address?)
  • Some issues reported with accessing photos on device (maybe 3rd party plugins can address?)
  • Does not provide hook for saving app state before Android opts to temporarily kill an app to recover memory
  • Some risk that Apple may take issue with Flutter apps in the future because Google is a competitor and because the Flutter approach requires Google to emulate portions of the iOS UI
  • Few high profile apps have been developed in Flutter, creating a Catch-22 situation for motivating others to adopt; also not very well proven.
  • Not a very large collection of supporting libraries yet; will have to implement your own native and non-native libraries as needed.