Name some limitation of Xamarin.iOS

Technology CommunityCategory: XamarinName some limitation of Xamarin.iOS
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago
  • Limited Generics Support – Unlike traditional Mono/.NET, code on the iPhone is statically compiled ahead of time instead of being compiled on demand by a JIT compiler. Mono’s Full AOT technology has a few limitations with respect to generics, these are caused because not every possible generic instantiation can be determined up front at compile time.
  • No Dynamic Code Generation – Since the iOS kernel prevents an application from generating code dynamically, Xamarin.iOS does not support any form of dynamic code generation like The System.Reflection.Emitis not available, no support for System.Runtime.Remotin and so on.
  • No Remoting – The Remoting stack is not available on Xamarin.iOS.
  • Runtime Disabled Features – like Profiler, Reflection.Emit, COM bindings, The JIT engine
  • .NET API Limitations – The .NET API exposed is a subset of the full framework as not everything is available in iOS. In particular, the API profile used by Xamarin.iOS does not include System.Configuration, so it is not possible to use external XML files to configure the behavior of the runtime.