Name some ways to implement Priority Queue

Technology CommunityCategory: Binary TreeName some ways to implement Priority Queue
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Priority Queue abstract data type (ADT) can be implemented using other data structures (including Heaps) like:

  • Unordered Array
  • Unordered List
  • Ordered Array
  • Ordered List
  • Binary Search Tree (BST)
  • Balanced Binary Search Tree (AVL-tree)
  • Binary heap

Compare the time efficiency of heap implementation for main operations in Priority Queue ADT with other possible implementations:

| Implementation | Insertion   | Deletion(DeleteMax/DeleteMin)|Find Max/Min
| Unordered Array| 1           | n                            | n
| Unordered List | 1           | n                            | n
| Ordered Array  | n           | 1                            | 1
| Ordered List   | n           | 1                            | 1
| BST            | logn (avg.) | logn (avg.)                  | logn (avg.)
| Balanced BST   | log n       | log n                        | log n
| Binary Heaps   | log n       | log n                        | 1