Node.js vs Ruby on Rails. Which would you choose?

Technology CommunityCategory: Ruby on RailsNode.js vs Ruby on Rails. Which would you choose?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago
  • Node.js is great for applications that are real-time. And which handle a lot of concurrent requests. Under these scenarios, data constantly goes between the client and server. These Real-Time Applications (RTAs) include chat apps, applications for collaborating and video conferencing. Whenever you’re worried about performance and scalability, you should turn to Node.js first before you consider Ruby on Rails.
  • Rails is a better solution where your applications are very CPU intensive. And where development needs to happen quickly. Because Node.js is a single-threaded environment, it cannot cope well with handling data such as images and graphics. A computation on a big dataset in Node.js can simply block all the other requests that are coming in. Hence, rendering the advantage of Node.js void. You can have a prototype in short thrift, with little work, when you use Rails.