Provide an example of Dynamic Program but without Recursion

Technology CommunityCategory: Dynamic ProgrammingProvide an example of Dynamic Program but without Recursion
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The following would be considered DP, but without recursion (using bottom-up or tabulation DP approach).

int fibresult[N];

void setup_fib()
    fibresult[0] = 1;
    fibresult[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i < N; i++)
       fibresult[i] = fibresult[i-1] + fibresult[i-2];

int fib(int x) { return fibresult[x]; }

This way may be described as “eager”, “precaching” or “iterative”. Its faster overall but we have to manually figure out the order the subproblems need to be calculated in. This is easy for fibonacci, but for more complex DP problems it gets harder, and so we fall back to the lazy recursive method if it is fast enough.