State the lifecycle of Gesture Responder System?

Technology CommunityCategory: React NativeState the lifecycle of Gesture Responder System?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

A touch event has three phases: start, move and release.

  1. Request A view can request to become the touch responder in the: – start phase by returning true from onStartShouldSetResponder – move phase by returning true from onMoveShouldSetResponder
  2. Bubbling Similar to the web, these negotiation functions are called in a bubbling pattern. Therefore, the deepest component will become the responder.
  3. Override However, a parent can choose to override and claim responsibility. This is done by returning true from either onStartShouldSetResponderCapture or onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture.
  4. Granted or Rejected If a view’s request is granted or rejected onResponderGrant or onResponderReject is invoked appropriately.
  5. Respond Finally the view can then respond using one of the following handlers:
  • onResponderMove
  • onResponderRelease
  • onResponderTerminationRequest
  • onResponderTerminate

After a view has successfully claimed touch responder status, its relevant event handlers may be called.