What are some variants of Round-Robin Load Balancing algorithm?

Technology CommunityCategory: Load BalancingWhat are some variants of Round-Robin Load Balancing algorithm?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The following variants to the round‑robin algorithm take additional factors into account and can result in better load balancing:

  • Simple Round-Robin – Simplest methods for distributing client requests. It just forwards a client request to each server in turn. When it reaches the end of the list, the load balancer loops back and goes down the list again.
  • Weighted Round-Robin – A weight is assigned to each server based on criteria chosen by the site administrator; the most commonly used criterion is the server’s traffic‑handling capacity. The higher the weight, the larger the proportion of client requests the server receives. If, for example, server A is assigned a weight of 3 and server B a weight of 1, the load balancer forwards 3 requests to server A for each 1 it sends to server B.
  • Dynamic Round-Robin – A weight is assigned to each server dynamically, based on real‑time data about the server’s current load and idle capacity.