What are the challenges you face while working Microservice Architectures?

Technology CommunityCategory: MicroservicesWhat are the challenges you face while working Microservice Architectures?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Developing a number of smaller microservices sounds easy, but the challenges often faced while developing them are as follows.

  • Automate the Components: Difficult to automate because there are a number of smaller components. So for each component, we have to follow the stages of  Build, Deploy and, Monitor.
  • Perceptibility: Maintaining a large number of components together becomes difficult to deploy, maintain, monitor and identify problems. It requires great perceptibility around all the components.
  • Configuration Management: Maintaining the configurations for the components across the various environments becomes tough sometimes.
  • Debugging: Difficult to find out each and every service for an error. It is essential to maintain centralized logging and dashboards to debug problems.