What are the differences between Socket.io and WebSockets?

Technology CommunityCategory: WebSocketsWhat are the differences between Socket.io and WebSockets?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago
  • WebSocket is the communication Protocol which provides bidirectional communication between the Client and the Server over a TCP connection, WebSocket remains open all the time so they allow the real-time data transfer. When clients trigger the request to the Server it does not close the connection on receiving the response, it rather persists and waits for Client or server to terminate the request.
  • Socket.IO is a library which enables real-time and full duplex communication between the Client and the Web servers. It uses the WebSocket protocol to provide the interface. Generally, it is divided into two parts, both WebSocket vs Socket.io are event-driven libraries
No. WebSocket Socket.io
1 It is the protocol which is established over the TCP connection It is the library to work with WebSocket
2 It provides full duplex communication on TCP connections. Provides the event-based communication between browser and server.
3 Proxy and load balancer is not supported in WebSocket. A connection can be established in the presence of proxies and load balancers.
4. It doesn’t support broadcasting. It supports broadcasting.
5. It doesn’t have a fallback option. It supports fallback options.