What are the new features in Ionic 4?

Technology CommunityCategory: IonicWhat are the new features in Ionic 4?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The new features basically revolve around performance, build time improvements, multi framework compatibility, new documentation. The newer update provides a tool through which it can be easily migrated.

  1. Web Components: Ionic has moved to a web component for every single component. Web component is a set of web platform APIs which allows developers to build new customized and reusable HTML tags for web apps and web pages. Web components forward its work process to browsers without the need to write plenty of code making a significant improvement in startup and load time and essential for building high-performance apps.
  2. Capacitor: It is a cross-platform API and code extension layer which eases up to call native SDKs from web code and write custom native plugins which are required for the app. It also entails PWA support to enable the developer to write one app and launch it to the app stores.
  3. Stencil: Its a new web component compiler developed to build the standards which are compliant the web servers. It makes use of additional API like virtual DOM, Typescript, JSX, async
  4. ion-Backdrop: These are full-screen components which overlay over other components. They are placed on top of other components so it can dismiss it.