What are the primary security issues of web service?

Technology CommunityCategory: API DesignWhat are the primary security issues of web service?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

To ensure reliable transactions and secure confidential information, web services requires very high level of security which can be only achieved through Entrust Secure Transaction Platform. Security issues for web services are broadly divided into three sections as described below

1) Confidentiality: A single web service can have multiple applications and their service path contains a potential weak link at its nodes. Whenever messages or say XML requests are sent by the client along with the service path to the server, they must be encrypted. Thus, maintaining the confidentiality of the communication is a must.

2) Authentication: Authentication is basically performed to verify the identity of the users as well as ensuring that the user using the web service has the right to use or not? Authentication is also done to track user’s activity. There are several options that can be considered for this purpose

  • Application level authentication
  • HTTP digest and HTTP basic authentication
  • Client certificates

3) Network Security: This is a serious issue which requires tools to filter web service traffic.