What does MongoDB not being ACID compliant really mean?

Technology CommunityCategory: MongoDBWhat does MongoDB not being ACID compliant really mean?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

It’s actually not correct that MongoDB is not ACID-compliant. On the contrary, MongoDB is ACID-compilant at the document level.

Any update to a single document is

  • Atomic: it either fully completes or it does not
  • Consistent: no reader will see a “partially applied” update
  • Isolated: again, no reader will see a “dirty” read
  • Durable: (with the appropriate write concern)

What MongoDB doesn’t have is transactions – that is, multiple-document updates that can be rolled back and are ACID-compliant.

Multi-document transactions, scheduled for MongoDB 4.0 in Summer 2018*, will feel just like the transactions developers are familiar with from relational databases – multi-statement, similar syntax, and easy to add to any application.