What is a Partition in CAP Theorem?

Technology CommunityCategory: CAP TheoremWhat is a Partition in CAP Theorem?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

One such fallacy of distributed computing is that networks are reliable. They aren’t. Networks and parts of networks go down frequently and unexpectedly.

A partition is when the network fails to deliver some messages to one or more nodes by losing them (not by delaying them – eventual delivery is not a partition).

The basic idea of CAP proof is that if a client writes to one side of a partition (namely, network fails), any reads that go to the other side of that partition can’t possibly know about the most recent write. The proof of CAP relied on a total partition. In practice, these are arguably the most likely since all messages may flow through one component; if that fails then message loss is usually total between two nodes.