What is a proper way to communicate between sibling components in vuejs 2.0?

Technology CommunityCategory: Vue.jsWhat is a proper way to communicate between sibling components in vuejs 2.0?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

With Vue 2.0, we using the eventHub mechanism.


const eventHub = new Vue() // Single event hub

// Distribute to components using global mixin
    data: function () {
        return {
            eventHub: eventHub
// your component you can emit events with
this.eventHub.$emit('update', data)
// And to listen you do
this.eventHub.$on('update', data => {
// do your thing

You can even make it shorter and use root Vue instance as global Event Hub:

// Component 1
this.$root.$emit('eventing', data);
// Component 2
mounted() {
    this.$root.$on('eventing', data => {