What is block data structure in blockchain?

Technology CommunityCategory: BlockchainWhat is block data structure in blockchain?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

A block is a bunch of transactions that have been added to the blockchain. Each block consists of a header section and a body section. The body section of the block may consist of the list of transactions.

The header section of the block may consist of the following information:

  • version – the current version of the block structure
  • previous block header hash – the reference this block’s parent block
  • merkle root hash – a cryptographic hash of all of the transactions included in this block
  • time – the time that this block was created
  • nBits – the current difficulty that was used to create this block
  • nonce (“number used once”) – a random value that the creator of a block is allowed to manipulate however they so choose