What is Complexity Analysis of Queue operations?

Technology CommunityCategory: Data StructuresWhat is Complexity Analysis of Queue operations?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago
  • Queues offer random access to their contents by shifting the first element off the front of the queue. You have to do this repeatedly to access an arbitrary element somewhere in the queue. Therefore, access is O(n).
  • Searching for a given value in the queue requires iterating until you find it. So search is O(n).
  • Inserting into a queue, by definition, can only happen at the back of the queue, similar to someone getting in line for a delicious Double-Double burger at In ‘n Out. Assuming an efficient queue implementation, queue insertion is O(1).
  • Deleting from a queue happens at the front of the queue. Assuming an efficient queue implementation, queue deletion is `O(1).