What is Intent Filter?

Technology CommunityCategory: AndroidWhat is Intent Filter?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

If an Intents is send to the Android system, it will determine suitable applications for this Intents. If several components have been registered for this type of Intents, Android offers the user the choice to open one of them.

This determination is based onĀ IntentFilters. An IntentFilters specifies the types of Intent that an activity, service, orBroadcast Receiver can respond to. An Intent Filter declares the capabilities of a component. It specifies what anactivity or service can do and what types of broadcasts a Receiver can handle. It allows the corresponding component to receive Intents of the declared type. IntentFilters are typically defined via the AndroidManifest.xml file. For BroadcastReceiver it is also possible to define them in coding. An IntentFilters is defined by its category, action and data filters. It can also contain additional metadata.

If a component does not define an Intent filter, it can only be called by explicit Intents.