What is interoperability and how is it achieved with WCF services?

Technology CommunityCategory: WCFWhat is interoperability and how is it achieved with WCF services?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Interoperability is the ability to communicate with other platforms through standard protocols (such as SOAP). One of the major benefits of SOAP is that it is platform independent.

WCF is designed and built to interoperate with web services that support the Web Services Specification, known as the WS-* specifications. As such, WCF comes with three system-provided bindings that facilitate interoperability. These bindings are shown in the following list:

  • BasicHttpBinding: WCF services can use this binding to configure and expose endpoints. These endpoints in turn can communicate with *.asmx-based web services as well as clients and services that comply with the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
  • WsHttpBinding: Supports distributed transactions as well as secure and reliable sessions.
  • WsDualHttpBinding: Support for duplex communication and communication via SOAP intermediaries.