What is scope hierarchy?

Technology CommunityCategory: AngularJSWhat is scope hierarchy?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The $scope object used by views in AngularJS are organized into a hierarchy. There is a root scope, and the $rootScope can has one or more child scopes. Each controller has its own $scope (which is a child of the $rootScope), so whatever variables you create on $scope within controller, these variables are accessible by the view based on this controller.

For example, suppose you have two controllers: ParentController and ChildController as given below:

    <script src="lib/angular.js"></script>
      var app = angular.module('ScopeChain', []); app.controller("parentController", function ($scope) {
      	$scope.managerName = 'Shailendra Chauhan';
      	$scope.$parent.companyName = 'Dot Net Tricks'; //attached to $rootScope
      app.controller("childController", function ($scope, $controller) {
                 $scope.teamLeadName = 'Deepak Chauhan';
  <body ng-app="ScopeChain">
    <div ng-controller="parentController ">
      <table style="border:2px solid #e37112">
        <caption>Parent Controller</caption>
          <td>Manager Name</td>
          <td>Company Name</td>
            <table ng-controller="childController" style="border:2px solid #428bca">
              <caption>Child Controller</caption>
                <td>Team Lead Name</td>
                <td>{{ teamLeadName }}</td>
                <td>Reporting To</td>
                <td>Company Name</td>