What is the difference between Class Library (.NET Standard) and Class Library (.NET Core)?

Technology CommunityCategory: .NET CoreWhat is the difference between Class Library (.NET Standard) and Class Library (.NET Core)?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago
  • Compatibility: Libraries that target .NET Standard will run on any .NET Standard compliant runtime, such as .NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono/Xamarin. On the other hand, libraries that target .NET Core can only run on the .NET Core runtime.
  • API Surface Area: .NET Standard libraries come with everything in NETStandard.Library whereas .NET Core libraries come with everything in Microsoft.NETCore.App. The latter includes approximately 20 additional libraries, some of which we can add manually to our .NET Standard library (such as System.Threading.Thread) and some of which are not compatible with the .NET Standard (such as Microsoft.NETCore.CoreCLR).