What is the difference between encryption, encoding, and hashing?

Technology CommunityCategory: Web SecurityWhat is the difference between encryption, encoding, and hashing?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Encryption, encoding and hashing are techniques used for converting the format of data.

  • Encryption is used for changing plain text into cipher text so that only authorized entities can understand it. Encryption deals with keys which are used to encrypt and decrypt the data. These keys are used to transform a simple text into a cypher text and the vice versa.
  • Encoding is used for changing the data into a special format which makes it usable by external processes. Unlike encryption, the intention of encoding is not related to security. The message is encoded by using an algorithm or scheme.
  • In hashing, the data is converted to a message digest or hash, which is usually a number generated from a string of text. Hashing is not reversible as encryption and encoding. The data is converted to a message digest or hash, which is usually a number generated from a string of text. These digests are important as one can easily match the hash of sent and received messages to ensure that both are the same and no tempering is done with the data.