What is the key architectural difference between a JavaScript library such as React and a JavaScript framework such as Angular?

Technology CommunityCategory: ReactWhat is the key architectural difference between a JavaScript library such as React and a JavaScript framework such as Angular?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

React enables developers to render a user interface. To create a full front-end application, developers need other pieces, such as state management tools like Redux.

Like React, Angular enables developers to render a user interface, but it is a “batteries included” framework that includes prescriptive, opinionated solutions to common requirements like state management.

While there are many other considerations when comparing React and Angular specifically, this key architectural difference means that:

  • Using a library such as React can give a project a greater ability to evolve parts of the system—again for example, state management—over time, when new solutions are created by the open source community.
  • Using a framework such as Angular can make it easier for developers to get started and can also simplify maintenance.