What is wrong with this code for querying a native API?

Technology CommunityCategory: React NativeWhat is wrong with this code for querying a native API?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago


class GyroJs {
    setGyroPosition(pos) {
        if (pos === null || typeof pos === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('The position must be defined');
        this.pos = pos;
    constructor() {
        const gyroscopePosition = NativeModules.MyGyroModule.gyroPosition();

This code will always throw an error because the value of gyroscopePosition will always be an unresolved Promise.

It’s important to remember that the bridge that connects JavaScript and native code is asynchronous. We can either receive results from this side by passing in a callback (not done in this example), or by returning a Promise. In this case, we need to append a then() call to the gyroPosition() call and set the position inside it.