What’s new in Angular 8?

Technology CommunityCategory: AngularWhat’s new in Angular 8?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

This release is mostly about Ivy and the possibility to give it a try, but it also includes a few features and breaking changes, namely:

  • Differential loading – with differential loading, two bundles are created when building for production: a bundle for modern browsers that support ES2015+ and a bundle for older browsers that only support the ES5 version of JavaScript
  • TypeScript 3.4 support
  • Ivy – it is the new compiler/runtime of Angular. It will enable very cool features in the future, but it is currently focused on not breaking existing applications.
  • Bazel support – it is a build tool developed and massively used by Google, as it can build pretty much any language.
  • Lazy-loading with import() syntax
    // from
    loadChildren: './admin/admin.module#AdminModule'
    // to
    loadChildren: () => import('./races/races.module').then(m => m.RacesModule)
* To help people migrating from AngularJS, a bunch of things have been added to the **location services** in Angular
* The **service worker registration** has a new option that allows to specify when the registration should take place.
* `@angular/http` has been removed from 8.0, after being replaced by `@angular/common/http` in 4.3 an