What’s the advantage of the backup features in Ops Manager versus traditional backup strategies?

Technology CommunityCategory: MongoDBWhat’s the advantage of the backup features in Ops Manager versus traditional backup strategies?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

Ops Manager offers a lot of advantages, including:

  • Point-in-Time-Recovery, Scheduled Backups. You can generate a restore image from an exact time in the past, which can be very helpful for restoring operations just prior to a catastrophic event.
  • Continuous, Incremental Backup. Data is backed up continuously as the cluster updates. Your backups are always up-to-date.
  • Sharded Cluster Backup. Backing up sharded clusters can be hard. Ops Manager Backup automates this for you.
  • Queryable Backup. Query backups directly without having to restore them. Find the backup you need or examine how data has changed over time.

Ops Manager is included with MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, and provides continuous backup and point-in-time restore for MongoDB. Those interested in a cloud-based backup solution should consider MongoDB Cloud Manager, which provides continuous, online backup and point-in-time restore for MongoDB as a fully managed service.