What’s the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL?

Technology CommunityCategory: T-SQLWhat’s the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The difference between truncate and delete is listed below:

|                Truncate                |                    Delete                    |
| We can't Rollback after performing     | We can Rollback after delete.                |
| Truncate.                              |                                              |
|                                        |                                              |
| Example:                               | Example:                                     |
| BEGIN TRAN                             | BEGIN TRAN                                   |
| TRUNCATE TABLE tranTest                | DELETE FROM tranTest                         |
| SELECT * FROM tranTest                 | SELECT * FROM tranTest                       |
| ROLLBACK                               | ROLLBACK                                     |
| SELECT * FROM tranTest                 | SELECT * FROM tranTest                       |
| Truncate reset identity of table.      | Delete does not reset identity of table.     |
| It locks the entire table.             | It locks the table row.                      |
| Its DDL(Data Definition Language)      | Its DML(Data Manipulation Language)          |
| command.                               | command.                                     |
| We can't use WHERE clause with it.     | We can use WHERE to filter data to delete.   |
| Trigger is not fired while truncate.   | Trigger is fired.                            |
| Syntax :                               | Syntax :                                     |
| 1) TRUNCATE TABLE table_name           | 1) DELETE FROM table_name                    |
|                                        | 2) DELETE FROM table_name WHERE              |
|                                        |    example_column_id IN (1,2,3)              |