When to choose Round-Robin load‑balancing method?

Technology CommunityCategory: Load BalancingWhen to choose Round-Robin load‑balancing method?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

The general consensus is that Round Robin works best when the characteristics of the servers and requests are unlikely to cause some servers to become overloaded relative to others. Some of the conditions are:

  • All the servers have about the same capacity. This requirement is less important if differences between servers are accurately represented by server weights.
  • All the servers host the same content.
  • Requests are pretty similar in the amount of time or processing power they require. If there’s a wide variation in request weight, a server can become overloaded because the load balancer happens to send it a lot of heavyweight requests in quick succession.
  • Traffic volume is not heavy enough to push servers to near full capacity very often. If servers are already heavily loaded, it’s more likely that Round Robin’s rote distribution of requests will push some servers “over the edge” into overload as described in the previous bullet.