When to use Redis over MongoDB?

Technology CommunityCategory: RedisWhen to use Redis over MongoDB?
VietMX Staff asked 3 years ago

It depends on kind of dev team you are and your application needs but some notes when to use Redis is probably a good idea:

  • Caching

    Caching using MongoDB simply doesn’t make a lot of sense. It would be too slow.

  • If you have enough time to think about your DB design.

    You can’t simply throw in your documents into Redis. You have to think of the way you in which you want to store and organize your data. One example are hashes in Redis. They are quite different from “traditional”, nested objects, which means you’ll have to rethink the way you store nested documents. One solution would be to store a reference inside the hash to another hash (something like key: [id of second hash]). Another idea would be to store it as JSON, which seems counter-intuitive to most people with a *SQL-background. Redis’s non-traditional approach requires more effort to learn, but greater flexibility.

  • If you need really high performance.

    Beating the performance Redis provides is nearly impossible. Imagine you database being as fast as your cache. That’s what it feels like using Redis as a real database.

  • If you don’t care that much about scaling.

    Scaling Redis is not as hard as it used to be. For instance, you could use a kind of proxy server in order to distribute the data among multiple Redis instances. Master-slave replication is not that complicated, but distributing you keys among multiple Redis-instances needs to be done on the application site (e.g. using a hash-function, Modulo etc.). Scaling MongoDB by comparison is much simpler.