Java Program to Implement Disjoint Set Data Structure

This Java program is to Implement Disjoint set data structure. In computing, a disjoint-set data structure is a data structure that keeps track of a set of elements partitioned into a number of disjoint (nonoverlapping) subsets. A union-find algorithm is an algorithm that performs two useful operations on such a data structure:
Find: Determine which subset a particular element is in. This can be used for determining if two elements are in the same subset.
Union: Join two subsets into a single subset.

Here is the source code of the Java program to implement disjoint data structure. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class DisjointSets 
    private List<Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>> disjointSet;
    public DisjointSets()
        disjointSet = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>>();
    public void create_set(int element)
        Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>();
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
        map.put(element, set);
    public void union(int first, int second)
        int first_rep = find_set(first);
        int second_rep = find_set(second);
        Set<Integer> first_set = null;
        Set<Integer> second_set = null;
        for (int index = 0; index < disjointSet.size(); index++)
            Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = disjointSet.get(index);
            if (map.containsKey(first_rep))
                first_set = map.get(first_rep);
            } else if (map.containsKey(second_rep))
                second_set = map.get(second_rep);
        if (first_set != null && second_set != null)
        for (int index = 0; index < disjointSet.size(); index++)
            Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = disjointSet.get(index);
            if (map.containsKey(first_rep))
                map.put(first_rep, first_set);
            } else if (map.containsKey(second_rep))
    public int find_set(int element)
        for (int index = 0; index < disjointSet.size(); index++)
            Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = disjointSet.get(index);
            Set<Integer> keySet = map.keySet();
            for (Integer key : keySet)
                Set<Integer> set = map.get(key);
                if (set.contains(element))
                    return key;
        return -1;
    public int getNumberofDisjointSets()
        return disjointSet.size();
    public static void main(String... arg)
        DisjointSets disjointSet = new DisjointSets();
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
        System.out.println("ELEMENT : REPRESENTATIVE KEY");
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            System.out.println(i + "\t:\t" + disjointSet.find_set(i));
        disjointSet.union(1, 5);
        disjointSet.union(5, 3);
        System.out.println("\nThe Representative keys after performing the union operation\n");
        System.out.println("Union of (1 and 5)  and (5 and 3) ");
        System.out.println("ELEMENT : REPRESENTATIVE KEY");
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            System.out.println(i + "\t:\t" + disjointSet.find_set(i));
        System.out.println("\nThe number of disjoint set : "+ disjointSet.getNumberofDisjointSets());

$java DisjointSets
1	:	1
2	:	2
3	:	3
4	:	4
5	:	5
The Representative keys after performing the union operation
Union of (1 and 5)  and (5 and 3) 
1	:	1
2	:	2
3	:	1
4	:	4
5	:	1
The number of disjoint set : 3

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