Bad Ugly Numbers

2020 VietMX 0

You are given a integer $n$ ($n > 0$). Find any integer $s$ which satisfies these conditions, or report that there are no such numbers: In the […]


2020 VietMX 0

Alicia has an array, $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$, of non-negative integers. For each $1 \leq i \leq n$, she has found a non-negative integer $x_i […]


2020 VietMX 0

You are given a permutation, $p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n$. Imagine that some positions of the permutation contain bombs, such that there exists at least one […]


2020 VietMX 2

Input The input consists of a single string of uppercase letters A-Z. The length of the string is between 1 and 10 characters, inclusive.Output Output […]


2020 VietMX 0

Input The only line of the input contains a 7-digit hexadecimal number. The first “digit” of the number is letter A, the rest of the […]

Jordan Smiley

2020 VietMX 0

Input The input contains two integers $row$, $col$ ($0 \le row, col \le 63$), separated by a single space.Output Output “IN” or “OUT”.Examplesinput 0 0 […]

Lingua Romana

2020 VietMX 0

per nextum in unam tum XI conscribementis fac sic vestibulo perlegementum da varo. morde varo. seqis cumula varum.cisper nextum in unam tum XI conscribementis fac […]


2020 VietMX 1

There was once young lass called Mary, Whose jokes were occasionally scary. On this April’s Fool Fixed limerick rules Allowed her to trip the unwary.Can […]