Disable Spring Data Auto Configuration

1. Introduction

In this quick tutorial, we’ll explore two different ways to disable database auto-configuration in Spring Boot, which can come in handy, say, when testing.

We’ll see examples for Redis, MongoDB, and Spring Data JPA.

Firstly, we’ll start by looking at the annotation-based approach and then we’ll look at the property file approach.

2. Disable Using Annotation

Let’s start with the MongoDB example, we’ll look at classes that need to be excluded:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {

Similarly, let’s look at disabling auto-configuration for Redis:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {

Finally, let’s look at disabling auto-configuration for Spring Data JPA:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {

3. Disable Using Property File

We can also disable auto-configuration using the property file, let’s first explore it with MongoDB:

spring.autoconfigure.exclude= \
  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.MongoAutoConfiguration, \

Now, let’s disable it for Redis:

spring.autoconfigure.exclude= \
  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.redis.RedisAutoConfiguration, \

Similarly, let’s disable it for Spring Data JPA:

spring.autoconfigure.exclude= \ 
  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration, \
  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration, \

4. Testing

For testing, we’ll check that the Spring beans for the auto-configured classes are absent in our application context.

Let’s start with the test for MongoDB. We’ll verify if the MongoTemplate bean is absent:

@Test(expected = NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.class)
public void givenAutoConfigDisabled_whenStarting_thenNoAutoconfiguredBeansInContext() { 

Now, let’s check for JPA. For JPA, the DataSource bean will be absent:

@Test(expected = NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.class)
public void givenAutoConfigDisabled_whenStarting_thenNoAutoconfiguredBeansInContext() {

Similarly, for Redis we’ll check the RedisTemplate bean in our application context:

@Test(expected = NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.class)
public void givenAutoConfigDisabled_whenStarting_thenNoAutoconfiguredBeansInContext() {

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, in this quick tutorial, we’ve explored the ways to disable Spring Boot auto-configuration for different databases.

The source code for all examples in the article is available on GitHub.

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