Java Program to Implement RoleUnresolvedList API

This Java program Implements RoleUnresolved API.A RoleUnresolvedList represents a list of RoleUnresolved objects, representing roles not retrieved from a relation due to a problem encountered when trying to access (read or write) the roles.

Here is the source code of the Java Program to Implement RoleUnresolved API.The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class RoleUnresolvedListImpl
    private RoleUnresolvedList roleUnresolvedList;
    /** Constructs an empty RoleUnresolvedList. **/
    public RoleUnresolvedListImpl()
        roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedList();
     * Constructs an empty RoleUnresolvedList with the initial capacity
     * specified.
    public RoleUnresolvedListImpl(int initialCapacity)
        roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedList(initialCapacity);
     * Constructs a RoleUnresolvedList containing the elements of the List
     * specified, in the order in which they are returned by the List's
     * iterator.
    public RoleUnresolvedListImpl(List<RoleUnresolved> list)
        roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedList(list);
    /** Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list. **/
    public void add(int index, Object element)
        roleUnresolvedList.add(index, element);
     * Inserts the unresolved role specified as an element at the position
     * specified.
    public void add(int index, RoleUnresolved role)
        roleUnresolvedList.add(index, role);
    /** Appends the specified element to the end of this list. **/
    public boolean add(Object o)
        return roleUnresolvedList.add(o);
    /** Adds the RoleUnresolved specified as the last element of the list. **/
    public void add(RoleUnresolved role)
     * Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of
     * this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified
     * collection's Iterator.
    public boolean addAll(Collection<?> c)
        return roleUnresolvedList.addAll(c);
     * Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list,
     * starting at the specified position.
    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<?> c)
        return roleUnresolvedList.addAll(index, c);
     * Inserts all of the elements in the RoleUnresolvedList specified into this
     * list, starting at the specified position, in the order in which they are
     * returned by the Iterator of the RoleUnresolvedList specified.
    public boolean addAll(int index, RoleUnresolvedList roleList)
        return this.roleUnresolvedList.addAll(index, roleList);
     * Appends all the elements in the RoleUnresolvedList specified to the end
     * of the list, in the order in which they are returned by the Iterator of
     * the RoleUnresolvedList specified.
    public boolean addAll(RoleUnresolvedList roleList)
        return roleList.addAll(roleList);
    /** Return a view of this list as a List<RoleUnresolved>. **/
    public List<RoleUnresolved> asList()
        return roleUnresolvedList.asList();
     * Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the
     * specified element.
    public Object set(int index, Object element)
        return roleUnresolvedList.set(index, element);
     * Sets the element at the position specified to be the unresolved role
     * specified.
    public void set(int index, RoleUnresolved role)
        roleUnresolvedList.set(index, role);
    public static void main(String... arg) throws MalformedObjectNameException
        RoleUnresolvedListImpl roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedListImpl();
        List<ObjectName> rolelist1 = new LinkedList<ObjectName>();
        rolelist1.add(new ObjectName("domain1", "key1", "value1"));
        rolelist1.add(new ObjectName("domain2", "key2", "value2"));
        roleUnresolvedList.add(0, new RoleUnresolved("rolename1", rolelist1, 1));
        List<ObjectName> roleList2 = new LinkedList<ObjectName>();
        roleList2.add(new ObjectName("domain3", "key3", "value3"));
        roleList2.add(new ObjectName("domain4", "key4", "value4"));
        roleUnresolvedList.add(1, new RoleUnresolved("rolename2", roleList2, 2));
        List<RoleUnresolved> list = roleUnresolvedList.asList();
        int index = 0;
        while (index < list.size())
            System.out.println(list.get(index++) + "\t");
$ javac
$ java RoleUnresolvedListImpl
role name: rolename1; value: domain1:key1=value1, domain2:key2=value2; problem type: 1	
role name: rolename2; value: domain3:key3=value3, domain4:key4=value4; problem type: 2