Python String center()

The center() method returns a string which is padded with the specified character.

The syntax of center() method is:[, fillchar])

1. center() Parameters

The center() method takes two arguments:

  • width – length of the string with padded characters
  • fillchar (optional) – padding character

The fillchar argument is optional. If it’s not provided, space is taken as default argument.

2. Return Value from center()

The center() method returns a string padded with specified fillchar. It doesn’t modify the original string.

3. Example 1: center() Method With Default fillchar

string = "Python is awesome"

new_string =

print("Centered String: ", new_string)


Centered String:     Python is awesome      

4. Example 2: center() Method With * fillchar

string = "Python is awesome"

new_string =, '*')

print("Centered String: ", new_string)


Centered String:  ***Python is awesome****