Python Tuple index()

2021 VietMX 0

The index() method returns the index of the specified element in the tuple. The syntax of the tuple index() method is: 1. Tuple index() parameters The tuple index() method […]

Python Tuple count()

2021 VietMX 0

The count() method returns the number of times the specified element appears in the tuple. The syntax of the count() method is: 1. count() Parameters The count() method takes […]

Python String format_map()

2021 VietMX 0

1. Overview The format_map() method is similar to str.format(**mapping) except that str.format(**mapping) creates a new dictionary whereas str.format_map(mapping) doesn’t. Before talking about format_map(). Let’s see how str.format(**mapping) works […]

Python String zfill()

2021 VietMX 0

The zfill() method returns a copy of the string with ‘0’ characters padded to the left. The syntax of zfill() in Python is: 1. zfill() Parameter zfill() takes […]

Python String title()

2021 VietMX 0

The title() method returns a string with first letter of each word capitalized; a title cased string. The syntax of title() is: 1. title() Parameters title() method doesn’t […]

Python String startswith()

2021 VietMX 0

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python String startswith() method with the help of examples. The startswith() method returns True if a string starts with the specified […]

Python String splitlines()

2021 VietMX 0

The splitlines() method splits the string at line breaks and returns a list of lines in the string. The syntax of splitlines() is: 1. splitlines() Parameters splitlines() takes […]