Java Program to implement Bit Matrix

This is a Java Program to implement Bit Matrix. Here bit matrix is implemented as an array of bit sets.

Here is the source code of the Java Program to implement Bit Matrix. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system. The program output is also shown below.

 ** Java Program to implement Bit Matrix
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.BitSet;
/** class bit Matrix */
class BitMatrix
    private BitSet[] bitArr;
    /** constructor **/
    public BitMatrix(int rows, int cols)
        bitArr = new BitSet[rows];
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            bitArr[i] = new BitSet(cols);
    /** function to clear **/
    public void clear()
        int rows = bitArr.length;
        int cols = bitArr[0].size();
        bitArr = new BitSet[rows];
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            bitArr[i] = new BitSet(cols);       
    /** function to clear a particular row **/
    public void clear(int r)
    /** function to clear a particular bit **/
    public void clear(int r, int c)
    /** function to get a particular bit **/
    public boolean get(int r, int c)
        return bitArr[r].get(c);
    /** function to set a particular bit **/
    public void set(int r, int c)
    /** function to OR two rows **/
    public void or(int r1, int r2)
    /** function to And two rows **/
    public void and(int r1, int r2)
    /** function to XOR two rows **/
    public void xor(int r1, int r2)
    /** function to display bitset */
    public void display()
        System.out.println("\nBit Matrix : ");
        for (BitSet bs : bitArr)
/** BitMatrixTest **/
public class BitMatrixTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Bit Matrix Test\n");   
        System.out.println("Enter row and column dimensions");
        BitMatrix bm = new BitMatrix(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt() );
        char ch;
        /*  Perform Bit Matrix operations */
            System.out.println("\nBit Matrix Operations\n");
            System.out.println("1. or ");
            System.out.println("2. and");
            System.out.println("3. xor");
            System.out.println("4. clear");
            System.out.println("5. set");
            System.out.println("6. get");            
            int choice = scan.nextInt();            
            switch (choice) 
            case 1 : 
                System.out.println("Enter row1 and row2 to OR");
                bm.or(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt() );                     
            case 2 : 
                System.out.println("Enter row1 and row2 to AND");
                bm.and(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt() );      
            case 3 : 
                System.out.println("Enter row1 and row2 to XOR");
                bm.xor(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt() );      
            case 4 : 
                System.out.println("\nBit matrix Cleared");
            case 5 : 
                System.out.println("Enter row and column to set bit");
                bm.set(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt() );
            case 6 : 
                System.out.println("Enter row and column to get bit status");
                System.out.println("\nStatus : "+ bm.get(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt()));
            default : 
                System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n ");
            System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n");
            ch =;                        
        } while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');         
Bit Matrix Test
Enter row and column dimensions
4 4
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to set bit
0 24
Bit Matrix :
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to set bit
0 6
Bit Matrix :
{6, 24}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to set bit
1 28
Bit Matrix :
{6, 24}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to set bit
1 5
Bit Matrix :
{6, 24}
{5, 28}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row1 and row2 to OR
2 0
Bit Matrix :
{6, 24}
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row1 and row2 to AND
0 3
Bit Matrix :
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row1 and row2 to XOR
3 2
Bit Matrix :
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
{6, 24}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row1 and row2 to XOR
3 1
Bit Matrix :
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
{5, 6, 24, 28}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to get bit status
0 3
Status : false
Bit Matrix :
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
{5, 6, 24, 28}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Enter row and column to get bit status
1 28
Status : true
Bit Matrix :
{5, 28}
{6, 24}
{5, 6, 24, 28}
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Bit Matrix Operations
1. or
2. and
3. xor
4. clear
5. set
6. get
Bit matrix Cleared
Bit Matrix :
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)

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