Spring Boot Gradle Plugin

1. Overview

The Spring Boot Gradle plugin helps us manage Spring Boot dependencies, as well as package and run our application when using Gradle as a build tool.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how we can add and configure the plugin, and then we’ll see how to build and run a Spring Boot project.

2. Build File Configuration

First, we need to add the Spring Boot plugin to our build.gradle file by including it in our plugins section:

plugins {
    id "org.springframework.boot" version "2.0.1.RELEASE"

If we’re using a Gradle version earlier than 2.1 or we need dynamic configuration, we can add it like this instead:

buildscript {
    ext {
        springBootVersion = '2.0.1.RELEASE'
    repositories {
    dependencies {

apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'

3. Packaging Our Application

We can package our application to an executable archive (jar or war file) by building it using the build command:

./gradlew build

As a result, the generated executable archive will be placed in the build/libs directory.

If we want to generate an executable jar file, then we also need to apply the java plugin:

apply plugin: 'java'

On the other hand, if we need a war file, we’ll apply the war plugin:

apply plugin: 'war'

Building the application will generate executable archives for both Spring Boot 1.x and 2.x. However, for each version, Gradle triggers different tasks.

Next, let’s have a closer look at the build process for each Boot version.

3.1. Spring Boot 2.x

In Boot 2.x, the bootJar and bootWar tasks are responsible for packaging the application.

The bootJar task is responsible for creating the executable jar file. This is created automatically once the java plugin is applied.

Let’s see how we can execute the bootJar task directly:

./gradlew bootJar

Similarly, bootWar generates an executable war file and gets created once the war plugin is applied.

We can execute the bootWar task using:

./gradlew bootWar

Note that for Spring Boot 2.x, we need to use Gradle 4.0 or later.

We can also configure both tasks. For example, let’s set the main class by using the mainClassName property:

bootJar {
    mainClassName = 'com.maixuanviet.Application'

Alternatively, we can use use the same property from the Spring Boot DSL:

springBoot {
    mainClassName = 'com.maixuanviet.Application'

3.2. Spring Boot 1.x

With Spring Boot 1.x, bootRepackage is responsible for creating the executable archive (jar or war file depending on the configuration.

We can execute the bootRepackage task directly using:

./gradlew bootRepackage

Similar to the Boot 2.x version, we can add configurations to the bootRepackage task in our build.gradle:

bootRepackage {
    mainClass = 'com.example.demo.Application'

We can also disable the bootRepackage task by setting the enabled option to false:

bootRepackage {
    enabled = false

4. Running Our Application

After building the application, we can just run it by using the java -jar command on the generated executable jar file:

java -jar build/libs/demo.jar

Spring Boot Gradle plugin also provides us with the bootRun task which enables us to run the application without the need to build it first:

./gradlew bootRun

The bootRun task can be simply configured in build.gradle.

For example, we can define the main class:

bootRun {
    main = 'com.example.demo.Application'

5. Relation With Other Plugins

5.1. Dependency Management Plugin

For Spring Boot 1.x, it used to apply the dependency management plugin automatically. This would import the Spring Boot dependencies BOM and act similar to dependency management for Maven.

But since Spring Boot 2.x, we need to apply it explicitly in our build.gradle if we need this functionality:

apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'

5.2. Java Plugin

When we apply the java plugin, the Spring Boot Gradle plugin takes multiple actions like:

  • creating a bootJar task, which we can use to generate an executable jar file
  • creating a bootRun task, which we can use to run our application directly
  • disabling jar task

5.3. War Plugin

Similarly, when we apply the war plugin, that results in:

  • creating the bootWar task, which we can use to generate an executable war file
  • disabling the war task

6. Conclusion

In this quick tutorial, we learned about the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin and its different tasks.

Also, we discussed how it interacts with other plugins.

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