Common problems solved using DP on broken profile include:
- finding number of ways to fully fill an area (e.g. chessboard/grid) with some figures (e.g. dominoes)
- finding a way to fill an area with minimum number of figures
- finding a partial fill with minimum number of unfilled space (or cells, in case of grid)
- finding a partial fill with the minimum number of figures, such that no more figures can be added
1. Problem “Parquet”
Problem description. Given a grid of size $N \times M$. Find number of ways to fill the grid with figures of size $2 \times 1$ (no cell should be left unfilled, and figures should not overlap each other).
Let the DP state be: $dp[i, mask]$, where $i = 1, \ldots N$ and $mask = 0, \ldots 2^M – 1$.
$i$ represents number of rows in the current grid, and $mask$ is the state of last row of current grid. If $j$-th bit of $mask$ is $0$ then the corresponding cell is filled, otherwise it is unfilled.
Clearly, the answer to the problem will be $dp[N, 0]$.
We will be building the DP state by iterating over each $i = 1, \cdots N$ and each $mask = 0, \ldots 2^M – 1$, and for each $mask$ we will be only transitioning forward, that is, we will be adding figures to the current grid.
2. Implementation
int n, m; vector < vector<long long> > dp; void calc (int x = 0, int y = 0, int mask = 0, int next_mask = 0) { if (x == n) return; if (y >= m) dp[x+1][next_mask] += dp[x][mask]; else { int my_mask = 1 << y; if (mask & my_mask) calc (x, y+1, mask, next_mask); else { calc (x, y+1, mask, next_mask | my_mask); if (y+1 < m && ! (mask & my_mask) && ! (mask & (my_mask << 1))) calc (x, y+2, mask, next_mask); } } } int main() { cin >> n >> m; dp.resize (n+1, vector<long long> (1<<m)); dp[0][0] = 1; for (int x=0; x<n; ++x) for (int mask=0; mask<(1<<m); ++mask) calc (x, 0, mask, 0); cout << dp[n][0]; }
3. Practice Problems
- UVA 10359 – Tiling
- UVA 10918 – Tri Tiling
- SPOJ GNY07H (Four Tiling)
- SPOJ M5TILE (Five Tiling)
- SPOJ MNTILE (MxN Tiling)
- ACM HDU 4285 – Circuits
- LiveArchive 4608 – Mosaic
- Timus 1519 – Formula 1
- Codeforces Parquet